Friday, 26 June 2020

What you didn't know about products

The world is now a huge business.  It is driven by the world economy and multiple economies that create our world economy.  The amount of products that are created and sold every year is staggering.  What is also amazing is the amount of packaging that is involved in creating those cool looks that surround the products. It is all amazing to look at and some of them are psychologically created to make you want to buy them.  The little packaging things that are created are also mostly not necessary and I wanted to go over some of the facts that these excess product supplies create and the damage they may be causing on our world as a whole. 

Cardboard boxes are the first thing I want to talk about and the amount of this product that is used on a yearly basis. This is one of the most used products on the planet for goods being produced.  In the United States and in Europe almost 80% of all products are packaged in cardboard boxes.  What does this mean for how much is created. Well that number is around 400 Billion square feet.  This number is absolutely mind blowing and should be considered a disgrace to our world.  This is all just packaging and not the products themselves.  So 400 Billion Square feet are created only to showcase products.

What this means is that paper and cardboard creates up to 41% of the world's solid waste.  Which means we are simply creating a world filled with garbage that never needed to be made. When it is all said and done we cut down nearly 1 Billion Trees a year to produce this amount of product coverings.  It is staggering and we are not replacing that many or recycling the products used. That is why we are creating an unsustainable environment.

Now I know that these numbers seem insane and I am not going to tell the world to stop using paper overnight, but it should make you think twice about your purchasing habits.  It should push us to strive to find a different way to package items and use less paper and thus cut down on all the waste and trees being cutdown.  Now I am not against the use of paper or trees, but the number we are cutting down and the amount going to waste is what needs to stop or drastically be lessened.  I want a sustainable economy and air supply from our trees.

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